The port service of the reception of waste products generated by ships consists of collecting and – in some cases – storing, classifying and treating their sewage prior to their transfer to an authorized treatment facility.
Ship’s SEWAGE is deemed to be all the waste – including bilge water, sludge and other waste that is not regarded as a cargo – produced by the ship, and is regulated by the 1973 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships under Annexes I (solids) & IV (liquids) and modified by its 1978 Protocol, still current today (MARPOL 73/78).
The Port of Algeciras is the number one port in Spain for sewage collection, with the most economic prices in the application of the above convention.
The following link provides the contact details of all the MARPOL service companies located at the Port of Algeciras Bay:
View Sewage Treatment Companies – MARPOL Services