Regional coastal lighting and maritime signalling were given over to Port Authorities by virtue of a Ministry of Public Works & Environment Order on the 28th April, 1994. From then on, Port Authorities would be given the task of running and inspecting the working status of maritime signalling equipment in their specific geographical areas.

Since then, the Port of Algeciras Bay Authority (APBA) has managed five lighthouses, which make up the navigational assistance system that lights the northern coastal areas of the Strait of Gibraltar.

These five lighthouses span from Punta Gracia – where Camarinal Lighthouse is – to the West in the Borough of Tarifa (where Punta Paloma and Tarifa Island lighthouses are located), through Algeciras – where Punta Carnero Lighthouse is located – and to Punta Mala, in the Borough of San Roque, where Carbonera Lighthouse is situated.

Camarinal Lighthouse

Punta Paloma Lighthouse

Tarifa Lighthouse

Punta Carnero Lighthouse

Carbonera Lighthouse